Born from an affinity for the cut paper work of Henri Mattise and Eric Carle and an appreciation of modern cinema, @Papercut_Cinema (follow us on Instagram) recreates scenes from movies in hand-painted paper collages. We choose a scenes that captivate us, then enjoy replicating them in a new medium. The practice of replicating with our hands gets our minds learning from the coloring, composition, contrast, how filmmakers express the 3 dimensional world on the screen. It's a fun way to appreciate the artistry in film while giving it a special twist that is our own. This on-going project is the delicately crafted passion project of Hayden Davis and Evan Kirby.

The Paper Cut Cinema book Volume 1 documents the first year of
Paper Cut Cinema with the collection of our first 75 collages.
Each page shows a print of the scene, the movie title, release year, director name, and name of the cinematographer. Each book is 8.75” x 5.5” x 0.19”, perfect bound, with 78 pages.